Custom restrictions for Domain Properties

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In To restrict dynamically the usage of Domain Properties in DSL Models I described a way to restrict the usage of certain domain properties by the user. You can define different modes for your editor and thus allow or prevent the usage of domain properties via attributes on your domain classes. The technique is described in the linked article and the code is released as part of JaDAL – Just another DSL-Tools Addon Library.

This is a pretty static way to control the domain properties. You have to define a few modes and decide at design time the visible and active properties for each mode. Sometimes you need a more dynamic way: So I introduced another attribute CustomRestrictedPropertyAttribute and an interface ISupportsUserRestrictions. If this attribute is present, the library will call the GetRestriction() method of this interface and your user code can decide whenever the domain property will be visible, hidden or read only.

I built a small example: a domain class contains a few properties: CustomPropery, CustomPropertyVisible and CustomPropertyReadOnly. The two flags cause the first property to be visible, hidden or read only in the properties window.

partial class ExampleElement : ISupportsUserRestrictions
    public Restriction GetRestriction(string property)
        if (property == "CustomProperty")
            if (!this.CustomPropertyVisible)
                return Restriction.Hidden;

            if (this.CustumPropertyReadOnly)
                return Restriction.ReadOnly;

            return Restriction.Full;

        return Restriction.Full;


This example can be downloaded as part of the JaDAL source code. Currently you have to catch the code directly from the Source Code tab at CodePlex since it isn’t part of the latest Release yet.

One Response to “Custom restrictions for Domain Properties”

  1. Má»™t số bài há»?c vá»? DSL sÆ°u tầm (luôn cập nhật) « IT Technology Says:

    […] 13. Custom restrictions for Domain Properties […]

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