Something going on in 2008

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I started this blog in November 2006 as a secondary blog besides my private Livejournal and didn’t know where it was going. I posted a few random links and news stories from the web and later some technical articles.

In the past year I posted more and more (but not on a regular basis) technical articles. Technical article means something I discovered or learned while working with computers, windows, programming and thing like that. Now I will turn this blog in a real tech blog.

First we changed the name: now this blog is called “Ticklish Techs – a mostly .NET but also some other cool techs blogâ€? and the name is pretty much a vague description of the upcoming content. Every time I have something to say about computers, software, programming (especially .NET) I will blog it here. And I will try to do this on a regular basis.

And of cause with a new name the blog needs a new domain:

The second news: I have to introduce my new co writer: Wolfram. He’s a colleague and friend of mine from Düssledorf, Germany. We used to work together for different clients and still work on our private projects together. From my point of view he is one of the top 20 percent programmers I know. The first time he appeared here in September last year on an article regarding the Win32 shell. He will start to write more articles worth reading here soon.
I think 2008 will be interesting for us and this blog. Let’s see what’s coming. As a small outlook I will write some more articles on GPS and NMEA the next days and when I begin to work on my diploma thesis the next month I will certainly write some articles about Visual Studio 2008 (Orcas) Extensibility (VSX) and the DSL tools.

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