Comments on: Hunting high and low a mostly .NET but also some other cool techs blog Thu, 13 Aug 2020 18:46:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wolfram Bernhardt Fri, 23 Oct 2009 11:28:45 +0000 In reply to Franz Antesberger.

Hi again!

1) Okay, I see. So I learned something about Python finally… hope I won’t be sent to hell for it.
2) I would have accepted Prolog or Lisp perfecly… well at least I could have read it…

Okay, I’ll check out your code soon.

By: Franz Antesberger Thu, 22 Oct 2009 19:58:08 +0000 To your questions:
1) no, you are not right. the subrange excludes the upper bound, son the mid element is only in the second array
2) yes, you are right. With copy/paste i have lost some code. Of course you have to build the min of the mins and the max of the maxes.
To your first comment: You liked to have some code in a “reasonable” programming language. As I know you, you will not accept prolog or lisp or caml ( or caml light ) or f#, but only in your fetish language c#.
So I built it in c#:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace MinMax
    class Program
        public static int Counter { get; set; }

        public static int[] Range( int fromIncl, int toExcl )
            int inc = fromIncl < toExcl ? 1 : -1;
            var len = Math.Abs(toExcl - fromIncl);
            var result = new int[len];
            for( int pos=0, val=fromIncl; pos < len; ++pos, val+=inc )
                result[pos] = val;
            return result;

        public static int[] Subrange( int[] arr, int fromIncl, int toExcl )
            var len = toExcl - fromIncl;
            var result = new int[len];
            for (int pos = 0; pos < len; ++pos)
                result[pos] = arr[fromIncl + pos];
            return result;

        public static KeyValuePair MinMax( int[] arr )
            if( arr.Length == 1 )
                return new KeyValuePair(arr[0],arr[0]);
            if( arr.Length == 2 )
                Counter = Counter + 1;
                if( arr[0] < arr[1] )
                    return new KeyValuePair(arr[0], arr[1]);
                return new KeyValuePair(arr[1], arr[0]);
            var mid = arr.Length/2;
            var left = MinMax(Subrange(arr, 0, mid));
            var right = MinMax(Subrange(arr, mid, arr.Length));
            Counter = Counter + 2;            
            return new KeyValuePair( Math.Min(left.Key,right.Key), Math.Max(left.Value,right.Value));

        static void Main()
            Counter = 0;
            Console.Out.WriteLine(MinMax(Range(0, 16)));
            Console.Out.WriteLine( "comparisons: " + Counter );
            Counter = 0;
            Console.Out.WriteLine(MinMax(Range(16, 0)));
            Console.Out.WriteLine("comparisons: " + Counter);

I tried to put some lambda and linq in it, but the only reasonable way was:
var min = arr.Min();
var max = arr.Max();

By: Wolfram Bernhardt Tue, 20 Oct 2009 21:38:49 +0000 In reply to Wolfram Bernhardt.

Ah… now I understand… but I have some questions.

Doesn’t the part:

left = minmax( list[0:mid] )
right = minmax( list[mid:])

copy the ‘mid’-element?

This doesn’t influence the result, but results in a bad in influence (more work to do).

I think the code isn’t correct.

left = minmax( list[0:mid] )
    right = minmax( list[mid:])
    min = left[0]
    minmax.counter = minmax.counter + 1
    if right[0]  max:
        max = right[1]

What about the min-result of right? And the max-result of left?
So I think

sample = range( 16, 0 )

leads to a wrong result.


By: Wolfram Bernhardt Tue, 20 Oct 2009 21:26:45 +0000 In reply to Franz Antesberger.

Hi Franz!

That looks very interesting. Thanks a lot!
Unfortunately I am not sure I understand what list[0] means… Could you please provide this example in a reasonable programming language? 🙂


By: Franz Antesberger Tue, 20 Oct 2009 21:07:50 +0000 Sorry, this stupid blog software removes all my code formatting! So the script will not run, if you don’t correct the indentation, but I hope, the clear concepts of python make the thing self-quack-describing

By: Franz Antesberger Tue, 20 Oct 2009 21:04:52 +0000 You showed the solution of finding min/max of a list with size n with exactly 1.5 n comparisons of the list members ( you didn’t count the iterator comparisons, I will not count mine, too ).
But because its very ugly to instanciate Pair or something like that in c#, I quacked my solution in beautiful duck typed python, just to show, that I can.
I used divide and conquer and you will see, that I need LESS than 1.5 n.
In the given example with 16 elements, I need only 22 comparisons compared to your 24.

def minmax( list ):
    if len(list) == 1:
        return ( list[0], list[0] )
    if len(list) == 2:
        minmax.counter = minmax.counter + 1
        if list[0] > list[1]:
            return (list[1], list[0] )
        return (list[0], list[1] )
    mid = len(list) / 2
    left = minmax( list[0:mid] )
    right = minmax( list[mid:])
    min = left[0]
    minmax.counter = minmax.counter + 1
    if right[0]  max:
        max = right[1]
    return (min,max)

minmax.counter = 0
sample = range( 0, 16 )
print minmax( sample )
print minmax.counter

( that’s no code fragment, but the hole thing! )
I leave the proof, that this will always needs LESS that 1.5 n comparisons as an exercise 😉
